Health Care
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
 Great article that covers common estate planning myths (that we hear about all the time)...Read more . . .
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
 The worldwide web has provided us with great opportunity to be more independent as consumers. However, as convenient it may seem, you might want to think twice before creating an estate plan online!Read more . . .
Monday, January 7, 2019
Tax Fun for Business Owners! A common dilemma that many business owners face is whether to own or rent a business property...
By: Shu Saito, CEO, Allfilters.com - Forbes, YEC CommunityVoice, Link Read more . . .
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Ashlea Ebeling with Forbes discusses what you need to know about some of the recent changes to federal tax law. Read more . . .
Thursday, November 22, 2018
How do you prepare your children to receive an inheritance? What can you do now to make them better money managers? Passing your legacy to your children requires acknowledgement of family values and fiscal preparation, early on. Read more . . .
Monday, November 19, 2018
 In addition to expressing thanks for all that you have in this world, take the opportunity, while your loved ones are relegated to one table, to discuss, or at least investigate, the following topics that will surely give them pumpkin to talk about.By Cori A. Robinson, Esq., Above The Law | Link to original article here.
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Monday, October 1, 2018
 Are you thinking about creating an estate plan or restating your existing plan? Are you trying to find where to start and who to represent you in assisting with this? This week, we discuss how you can find the right legacy planner for you. Read more . . .
Monday, September 17, 2018
 Estate planning is dead. Gone are the days of creating legal structures to hold your assets, pass your fortune on to the next generation and, of course, avoid paying estate taxes. Gone are the days of planning for your death. It’s time to plan for your life.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2018
 Understanding the Probate process emphasizes that proper estate planning is vital! This week, we give you an introduction to Probate, what it is and what it entails. Read more . . .
Thursday, August 30, 2018
 Aretha Franklin's recent passing brought to light another celebrity estate lacking the proper protection planning to avoid probate. We have provided a reminder checklist to prevent this from happening to you and your family...Read more . . .
Thursday, August 9, 2018
 This week marks the first week of school for many families. While the kids are at school, we continue to discuss financial planning in Part 2 of our Back-to-School Checklist. Keep your preparation-game strong by using these planning tools!Read more . . .