Spring is notorious for being the season that is most associated with new beginnings and clean slates. The term “Spring Cleaning” is historically linked to a deep cleaning of one’s home, inside and out, due to the effects of Winter. Read more about the historical significance of spring cleaning here. However, Spring is also a good time to not only give your abode a good washing, but also a great time to incorporate organization into your life, for all facets of your life. Regardless of what your organization practice is, there are many helpful avenues you can access to help with your Spring cleaning.
Podcasts are very popular, and rightfully so! Podcasts are easily accessible via a smartphone or computer and are great tools to get us motivated and inspired. The podcast genre is so expansive that any niche interest or hobby is likely offered through a podcast. Podcasts may be responsible for the increase of desire to stay educated and informed for young adults. According to Podcastfastrack.com, 24% of the US population are listening to podcasts, and that number is increasing annually by 10-20%. For the purposes of this article, you can find some great home and life organization podcasts here and also very helpful financial organization podcasts here.
If you need something more interactive, an app may do the trick in helping you get organized. Similar to podcasts, apps are accessible through most mobile devices and are offered through a variety of genres. In a 2017 U.S. Mobile App Report, mobile users are spending 87 percent of their time in apps, versus just 13 percent on the web. Read more here. Additionally, apps allow us to interact, and for those of us that are kinesthetic learners, interaction may be the best way to incorporate a new habit (like organization)! You can find some great organization apps here, and for budgeting, check out these apps.
If you find yourself on the web more than apps or podcasts, blogs may be the most helpful tool for you. A statistic shared by nymarketing.com states that, 94% of people share blog content because they think it might be useful to other people. This means that if you are in need of assistance, it is more likely than not that there is a blog out there to help. Blogs can be a great way to tap into some organization tactics which may help you this season. Read some great organization blogs here.
Whatever your preference is, allowing yourself to become more organized will not only promote good habits, but will simplify your life by requiring you to address the things that have been put on the backburner for far too long! Paying attention to the areas in life that you tend to avoid, such as finances, planning and/or space optimization, will allow you to take control, and may alleviate your uncertainty about the topic. Take some time this Spring to discover helpful tools to give your life a proverbial Spring Cleaning.
Happy Cleaning!
-by Laura Bown, J.D. with Tiffany Ballenger Floyd, Esq. (Nevada & California Estate Planning Attorney), © 2019, Phillips Ballenger, PLLC
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