To Our Clients, Partners, & Friends,
Happy New Year! We hope that you had a happy holiday and were able to get some well-deserved time off. The new year has brought some big and exciting changes to Phillips Ballenger, and because we value our clients so much, we want to keep you in the know.
First and foremost, it saddens me to say that my wonderful assistant of 9 years, Donna DiNoto, will be leaving Phillips Ballenger on January 23, 2019. Donna & her husband Frank are moving to the East Coast to be closer to their kids & grandbabies. As you are aware, Donna has been a vital part of the Phillips Ballenger team and has played an essential role in refining our planning process, furthering our goal in offering our clients the best possible service.
We are in the process of expanding our support staff - in the interim, my law clerk, Laura Bown, will be helping with client support until our new staff members are trained.
Please take a moment with me to wish Donna safe travels and good luck on her move! She will be dearly missed. Although these circumstances are bittersweet, we are so thankful to Donna for all of her hard work and dedication.
Be sure to check your emails as we’ll be introducing you to our new team soon! Thank you for your understanding and patience during this transition period. As always, please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
All my best to you in 2019!!
-Tiffany Ballenger Floyd, Esq.